Friday 3 December 2021

Q12_Program to find maximum and minimum occurring character in a string


Program to find maximum and minimum occurring character in a string

In this program, we need to count each character present in the string and find out the maximum and minimum occurring character. Grass is greener on the other side In above example, character 'a' is occurred only once in the string. So, it is minimum occurring character and is highlighted by red. Character e has occurred maximum number of times in the entire string i.e. 6 times. Hence, it is the maximum occurring character and is highlighted by green.

string 1

Remove white spaces

string 2



class max_min {

  public static void main(String[] args)   {

    //declare string

   String str1="grass is greener on the other side";

   int [] freq = new int [str.length()];

   char minChar = str.charAt(0), maxChar = str.charAt(0);

   int i, j, min, max;

   char string[] = str.toCharArray();

   for (i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {

         freq[i] = 1;

      for (j = i+1; j < string.length; j++) {

            if (string[i] == string[j] && string[i] != ' ' && string[i] != '0') {


               string[j] = '0';




   min = max = freq[0];

   for ( i = 0; i < freq.length; i++) {

      if (min > freq[i] && freq[i] != '0') {

         min = freq[i];

         minChar = string[i];


       if (max < freq[i]) {

         max = freq[i];

         maxChar = string[i];



   System.out.println( "Minimum occurring character: " + minChar);

   System.out.println( "Maximum occurring character: " + maxChar);




Minimum occurring character: a Maximum occurring character: e


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