Friday 5 November 2021

Job Sequencing Problem


Job Sequencing with deadline

If there are n jobs i.e j1,j2, j3,......jn & those jobs are assosiated with deadline d1,d2,d3 ... dn
having some profit p1,p2,p3 ... pn

Then object is to achieve max profit when only one job is scheduling at any given time.

Job Sequencing With Deadlines :-

The sequencing of jobs on a single processor with deadline constraints is called as Job Sequencing with Deadlines. How can the total profit be maximized if only one job can be completed at a time?
Here :-

  • You are given a set of jobs.
  • Only one processor is available for processing all the jobs.
  • The profit of a job is given only when that job is completed within its deadline.
  • Each job has a defined deadline and some profit associated with it.
  • Processor takes one unit of time to complete a job.

Approach to Solution:-

  • Value of the feasible solution would be the sum of profit of all the jobs contained in the subset.
  • A feasible solution would be a subset of jobs where each job of the subset gets completed within its deadline.
  • An optimal solution of the problem would be a feasible solution which gives the maximum profit.

Greedy Algorithms:-

  • Greedy Algorithm is adopted to determine how the next job is selected for an optimal solution.
  • The greedy algorithm described below always gives an optimal solution to the job sequencing problem.

Step of solving problem :-

Step- 01.

  • Sort all the given jobs in decreasing order of their profit.

Step- 02.

  • Check the value of maximum deadline.
  • Draw a Gantt chart where maximum time on Gantt chart is the value of maximum deadline.

Step- 03.

  • Pick up the jobs one by one.
  • Put the job on Gantt chart as far as possible from 0 ensuring that the job gets completed before its deadline.


Given the jobs, their deadlines and associated profits as shown-

jobs Deadline Profit
j1 20 2
j2 15 2
j3 10 1
j4 5 3
j5 1 3

soluation:- maximum deadline = 3.

jobs Slot select job profit
j1 [1,2] j1 20
j2 [0,1] [1,2] j1, j2 20+15
j4 [0,1][1,2][2,3] j1 , j2 ,j4 20+15+5
Total 40

Answer:- maximum profit = 40.

How to write algorithm :-

  • Arrange all jobs in descending order of profit
  • for each job (m) do Linear search
  • finding particular slot in order of size (n)
  • where : n = maximum deadline
  • m = total job


1.It is uniprocesser i.e if select one job they have to complet the given job . No preemption allowed

2. every job take 1 unit Time

Implement coding

  • tab1

    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.List;

    // Data structure to store job details. Each job has an identifier,
    // a deadline, and profit associated with it.

    class Job
    public int taskID, deadline, profit;
    public Job(int taskID, int deadline, int profit)
    this.taskID = taskID;
    this.deadline = deadline;
    this.profit = profit;

    class Main
    // Function to schedule jobs to maximize profit
    public static void scheduleJobs(List jobs, int T)
    // stores the maximum profit that can be earned by scheduling jobs
    int profit = 0;
    // array to store used and unused slots info
    int[] slot = new int[T];
    Arrays.fill(slot, -1);
    // arrange the jobs in decreasing order of their profits
    Collections.sort(jobs, (a, b) -> b.profit - a.profit);
    // consider each job in decreasing order of their profits
    for (Job job: jobs)
    // search for the next free slot and map the task to that slot
    for (int j = job.deadline - 1; j >= 0; j--)
    if (j < T && slot[j] == -1)
    slot[j] = job.taskID;
    profit += job.profit;

    // print the scheduled jobs
    System.out.println("The scheduled jobs are " + -> val != -1).boxed() .collect(Collectors.toList()));
    // print total profit that can be earned
    System.out.println("The total profit earned is " + profit);
    } public static void main(String[] args)
    // List of given jobs. Each job has an identifier, a deadline, and
    // profit associated with it
    List jobs = Arrays.asList(
    new Job(1, 9, 15), new Job(2, 2, 2),
    new Job(3, 5, 18), new Job(4, 7, 1),
    new Job(5, 4, 25), new Job(6, 2, 20),
    new Job(7, 5, 8), new Job(8, 7, 10),
    new Job(9, 4, 12), new Job(10, 3, 5)
    ); // stores the maximum deadline that can be associated with a job
    final int T = 15;
    // schedule jobs and calculate the maximum profit
    scheduleJobs(jobs, T);

  • # A class to store job details. Each job has an identifier,
    # a deadline, and profit associated with it.

    class Job:

    def __init__(self, taskID, deadline, profit):
    self.taskID = taskID
    self.deadline = deadline
    self.profit = profit

    # Function to schedule jobs to maximize profit
    def scheduleJobs(jobs, T):

    # stores the maximum profit that can be earned by scheduling jobs
    profit = 0

    # list to store used and unused slots info
    slot = [-1] * T

    # arrange the jobs in decreasing order of their profits
    jobs.sort(key=lambda x: x.profit, reverse=True)

    # consider each job in decreasing order of their profits
    for job in jobs:

    # search for the next free slot and map the task to that slot
    for j in reversed(range(job.deadline)):

    if j < T and slot[j] == -1:
    slot[j] = job.taskID
    profit += job.profit

    # print the scheduled jobs
    print("The scheduled jobs are", list(filter(lambda x: x != -1, slot)))
    # print total profit that can be earned
    print("The total profit earned is", profit)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
    # List of given jobs. Each job has an identifier, a deadline, and
    # profit associated with it

    jobs = [
    Job(1, 9, 15), Job(2, 2, 2),
    Job(3, 5, 18), Job(4, 7, 1),
    Job(5, 4, 25), Job(6, 2, 20),
    Job(7, 5, 8), Job(8, 7, 10),
    Job(9, 4, 12), Job(10, 3, 5)

    # stores the maximum deadline that can be associated with a job
    T = 15

    # schedule jobs and calculate the maximum profit
    scheduleJobs(jobs, T)

the website developed by Narayan Mane ©:2021


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